Thursday, December 9, 2010

Looking for Alaska

Looking for Alaska was the first SSR books I read this year. I used to hate reading up until this year, but then i started reading this book and i couldn't set it down. I would recommend this to anyone, it kept me on my feet the whole time and is definitely one of my favorite books. It's about a boy (Miles) who has a really boring life in Florida and decides to go to a boarding school to change things for him. well let me tell you it changed his life big time. His roommate Chip ( the Colonel ) corrupted him the very first day they met. But the main person in the story that keeps you on you're feet is Alaska, the crazy,outgoing,mysterious best friend of Chip and becomes the best friend of Miles aka Pudge. Everyone who's friends with Alaska has a different type of love for her. You can tell the minute Pudge meets her hes already fallen for her, Chip tells him, "by my count, there are ninety-two girls at this school, and every last one of them is less crazy than Alaska." That explains her perfectly. The title of the books chapters are numbers counting down to a certain event. When I got to the point where I found out what happened my jaw literally dropped. I won't spoil it but I definitely recommend this book for any boy or girl.Pudge, Alaska and the colonel pull quite a few pranks on people and on their principle its actually really funny. I love this book, and I know anyone who reads it will love it too.

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